Male Surgery Procedures – Urology Surgery Videos

Kishor Wasan

February 28, 2022





Professor Kishor Wasans view Preparing for urology surgery requires following the surgeon’s personal hygiene instructions. Shower the night before surgery, for example. Also, bathe the morning of the surgery. Antibacterial soap helps prevent germ growth. The surgical staff may cut hair surrounding body components to keep them clean. Wear clean clothes after surgery. After your surgery, you will be given antibiotics to help you heal.

Beyond cleanliness, you should avoid eating or drinking after midnight the night before surgery. All drugs should be taken with water. Be remember to tell your doctor about any issues you have throughout your hospital stay. These measures will reduce your chance of infection after the procedure. But you should follow your surgeon’s recommendations to get the greatest care. Following these simple steps can help lower infection risk.

Urologists also perform cystoscopy. The bladder lining is examined with a cystoscope. This test is often used to diagnose bladder disorders. Also, a prostate biopsy can be performed to obtain tissue samples for analysis. Other treatments for enlarged prostate include a penile implant called the UroLift.

Urologists use robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery. These less invasive techniques reduce discomfort and hospital stays. A robotic-assisted minimally invasive method allows a surgeon to use three interactive robotic arms to manipulate devices. These gadgets, unlike the human wrist, can move in a narrow surgical environment with higher precision.

Ontology residency programs are accredited by COVID-19. It questioned urology residents and program directors in the US. It also polled PDs at urology residency programs. Every eighth resident was a medical student. Almost all urology residents were field trained. Most of them were in America.

PROPHY randomized males to receive prophylactic antibiotics before and after midshaft to distal hypoplasia surgery, says Professor Kishor Wasan. The urologist will implant a telescopic camera to examine the urinary tract. This is normally performed in an ASC. Most patients benefit from sedation. Special attachments are utilized to treat specific issues.

Laparoscopic and robotic urological surgery has transformed urology. They are the gold standard for MIS. Surgical technology has reduced anaesthetic need and has accelerated recovery. An operating room table is used for these surgeries, and a robotic assistance executes the procedure. If the urologist hasn’t performed the procedure in a while, they may utilize a prosthesis.

Shower the day before surgery. Dry your hair completely after your pre-surgical shower. Pre-shower before surgery if possible. Then take a quick shower and avoid using any other products. Avoid using things that reduce the antibacterial impact of a shower or soap. This reduces the risk of infection.

A urologist can do outpatient urological surgery. This operation is frequently done in an outpatient facility. They can be performed at a hospital, clinic, or at home. Any operation should be discussed with a urologist first. So they’ll know if the operation will influence your sexual life.

Professor Kishor Wasan recommended that a urologist performs a transurethral resection using a flexible tube and a cystoscope to remove malignant tissue. An incision is not required for this treatment, and a urologist will discuss the best location with you. The urethra is adjusted and the tumor is removed.