Why You Should See a Urologist

Kishor Wasan

December 8, 2022


Seeing a urologist is very important because this is someone who can provide you with information about the health of your male reproductive system. This may include cancers, problems with the bladder, erectile dysfunction (ED), and infertility.

Male sexual health

Getting an examination by a urologist is a great way to find out if you have any underlying problems that may be affecting your sexual health. If you’ve been having trouble keeping an erection or have frequent urination, you should see a urologist for evaluation.

A urologist can treat erectile dysfunction and other urologic conditions. A urologist will review your medical history, ask detailed questions about your symptoms, and perform a pelvic exam.

A urologist may order tests to measure hormone levels and liver and kidney function. They will also examine the prostate, testicles, and urethra for abnormalities. The doctor may take a sample of urine or a blood test.

A urologist will ask you about your sex life, including sexual activity, infertility, and any medical or family history of urologic disease. He may also ask you to fill out a voiding diary. This will help him assess how often you urinate and what causes your sex habits.

Cancers of the urological or male reproductive system

Symptoms of male urologic cancer include trouble with urination, blood in the urine, and pelvic pain. It is important to seek medical attention if you notice any of these symptoms. A urologist can help determine the cause of the symptoms and provide the appropriate treatment.

Urologic cancers can occur in the kidney, bladder, penis, urethra, and testicles. They are cancers that are caused by abnormal cell growth. When they are detected early, they are curable.

Urologists can perform a cystoscopy, which involves inserting a thin scope into the bladder. They can also examine the inside of the urethra and ureters. They can also stretch the urethra. They may also remove a portion of the prostate to test for cancer. If the doctor finds a tumor, they will attempt to remove it surgically.

Other symptoms of urologic cancer include erectile dysfunction. The urologist will look at all of the body’s systems during a physical exam. They will also ask you about your medications. They will also ask you to fill out a voiding diary, which documents when and how much you urinate.

ED, bladder issues, and infertility

Whether you are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED), bladder issues, or infertility, seeing a urologist can help. These doctors specialize in the male and female reproductive systems and can offer effective treatments for these issues.

Generally, a urologist will take a detailed medical history and perform an exam on the man’s genitourinary tract. The urologist will check to see if the man has any other diseases that may be causing his ED. The urologist may ask the man to hold his urine if he has a medical condition. The doctor may also ask for a list of medications, vitamins, and supplements he is taking.

Urologists can also help with erectile dysfunction caused by low testosterone. This can result in symptoms such as fatigue, decreased muscle mass, and depression. Depending on the severity of the problem, a man may need to undergo testosterone replacement therapy.

Urologists also can diagnose and treat urinary leakage, pelvic pain, and kidney stones. Various factors, including cancer, infection, and a blockage in the urethra, vas deferens, or epididymis, can cause these.

Pelvic organ prolapse

During a pelvic exam, your doctor will check if you have pelvic organ prolapse (POP). POP is caused by weakness or injury to the pelvic floor. There are several treatments available. The severity of the symptoms and the extent of the prolapse will affect the treatment.

Some women can manage their condition without surgical intervention. However, some may require surgery to correct the fall in bladder volume. The surgery can be minimally invasive or more extensive. It is important to consult with your urologist about your options.

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic region loosen. This is often a result of stress on the pelvic wall during childbirth or menopause. Some women develop prolapse with no noticeable symptoms. Others experience severe symptoms.

Depending on the severity of your prolapse, your doctor will recommend several treatment options. You may be offered vaginal surgery to restore the vaginal canal. You may also need a defecography to diagnose any underlying bladder or bowel problems.