Neglected Tropical Disease

Kishor Wasan

January 15, 2023

Characteristics of Inspiring Leaders

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are one of the biggest threats to humanity. They affect over 1.7 billion people around the world. These diseases need to be addressed by multidisciplinary community care. In addition, there are many treatments available to help alleviate their symptoms. However, it is important to note that the treatments and prevention methods are still evolving.

1.7 billion people affected

The World Health Organization reports that more than 1.7 billion people are affected by neglected tropical diseases. These diseases, primarily in tropical climates, are caused by bacterial infections, viruses, and parasites. While most of them can be treated, they also yield significant suffering.

Neglected tropical diseases are often caused by poor sanitation and health care, especially in remote and poor communities. However, there are several ways to help prevent the spread of these diseases.

For example, vector control can prevent or reduce the risk of neglected tropical diseases. A strong public-private partnership can also help. Such a partnership has strengthened the global response to these diseases.

Several pharmaceutical companies have joined with leading global health organizations to sign the London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases. This document aims to mobilize political, technical, and financial resources to fight these diseases.

During the last decade, progress has been made against these diseases. Although some still affect more than one billion people, the number of people at risk of them has decreased significantly.

18 new diseases added to the NTD list

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of diseases that cause severe harm to more than a billion people worldwide. They disproportionately affect poor and vulnerable populations. In addition, these diseases often result in social and economic burdens.

NTDs are a group of infectious, parasitic, and other diseases that are not treated or managed effectively. These diseases are largely endemic in developing countries, especially in the poorest regions. As a result, they have an incredibly high impact on the health of individuals and the economies of these countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a roadmap to eliminate these diseases by 2020. During the past ten years, there has been an increased focus on combating these diseases. To ensure success against these diseases, several key factors should be considered.

One of the most important factors is a collaboration between all parties. By engaging with various stakeholders, including governments, pharmaceutical companies, international and local NGOs, and the public, access to treatments can be improved.

Treatments available

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of infectious and parasitic diseases that disproportionately affect people in poor, developing countries. These diseases can cause disability, disfigurement, high mortality rates, and severe social consequences. The global market for NTD treatments is expected to reach US$ 3.4 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 4.3%.

The pharmaceutical industry often neglects these diseases despite being a major threat to people. This leaves the poor behind and results in a lack of effective medicines. To address the need, several nonprofit organizations are working to improve health infrastructure in regions where diseases are common.

Moreover, the innovative biopharmaceutical industry facilitates the development of quality, affordable vaccines, and medicines. It also helps build strong health systems. However, there needs to be more incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs for the poor.

Several companies in the industry have contributed to research on neglected tropical diseases. They have invested in development activities, donated assets, and made donations.

Need for multidisciplinary community care

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a group of 20 diseases affecting more than a billion people worldwide. While these diseases cause life-altering morbidity and disability, they are often neglected in the global health agenda.

The need for multidisciplinary community care for neglected tropical diseases is a global issue. These diseases are often associated with poverty and a lack of access to health services. In most countries, the epidemics of NTDs are localized, and the condition is largely vector-borne.

The WHO’s road map to reduce the burden of diseases related to NTDs includes a set of clear targets to reach by 2020. It also lays out game-changing partner commitments. However, most efforts to address the problem still need to be increased. This may change in the next decade.

Research has found that successful integration of NTDs requires intersectoral collaboration and involves various factors. They include political will, community engagement, and funding.

One example of an integrative research project is a collaboration between the NIHR Unit on Neglected Tropical Diseases and the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Their goal is to develop an epidemiological map of eumycetoma in Sudan. The project will involve nationwide fieldwork and geospatial modeling to determine environmental risk factors for the disease.