If you haven’t been feeling well recently, you might wonder what kidney disease’s first signs are. These signs can include early fatigue, lower extremities swelling, muscle cramping, and decreased creatinine levels. The next time you have a physical, mention these symptoms to your doctor.
Fatigue is a common symptom of kidney disease. It may be associated with several different etiologies. One of the most common etiologies of fatigue is decreased muscle strength. Typically, fatigue develops before symptoms of kidney disease appear. This is because there are not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. As a result, the muscles and brain begin to tire quickly.
Chronic kidney disease can affect adrenal function. Adrenal fatigue can cause severe energy loss. In addition, adrenal fatigue has been linked to increased acidosis. Although there is no definite link between these two disorders, research has shown that patients with kidney disease and adrenal fatigue often share common symptoms. Other factors, such as sleep apnea, anxiety, and depression, can contribute to fatigue.
Muscle cramps are a common symptom of kidney disease. They can be painful, interfere with daily activities, and even decrease the quality of your life. However, most are not dangerous. If you suffer from frequent muscle cramps, see your doctor. They can help you figure out why you have them. The muscles in your body need a wide variety of electrolytes. When potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium are low, it can lead to cramps.
Kidneys in the back of your body filter blood to create urine. The kidneys also make an erythropoietin hormone, which tells the body to produce oxygen-carrying red blood cells. But when the kidneys fail, they can’t make these cells. This leads to decreased blood flow to the brain and muscles. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, and anemia.
Kidney disease is a chronic disorder that affects the kidneys. The disease can cause numerous symptoms, including loss of appetite, fatigue, and changes in the taste and color of the urine. Knowing what to look for in the early stages is essential, as the disease can progress and become life-threatening.
A doctor can help you determine if you have CKD or not. You should get regular tests if you have a family history of the condition or have risk factors. This is especially important if you are at high risk.
Other symptoms of kidney disease include a metallic or “foamy” taste in your mouth, dry, itchy skin, and difficulty breathing. You may also have blood in your urine or a urinary tract infection.
Swelling in the lower extremities is a warning sign of kidney disease. Symptoms of renal osteodystrophy usually develop slowly. If you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to find out what’s causing them.
Among the symptoms of kidney disease are low blood pressure, a change in urination, and fatigue. These changes are caused by the body’s buildup of metabolic waste products. Often, high potassium levels are also present.
High potassium levels can lead to cardiac arrest or abnormal heart rhythms. The condition is often treated with potassium-lowering drugs. Other causes of a high potassium level include kidney damage or a urinary tract blockage.
Other symptoms of kidney disease include loss of appetite and nausea. You can also notice a decrease in the volume of your urine. You may also have an itch all over your body in advanced kidney disease.
A high blood creatinine level can be a sign of kidney disease. Several different factors cause increased creatinine levels. Chronic illnesses, medications, and other health problems can bring them on. Fortunately, some treatments can help treat them. If you are concerned about your health, talk with your doctor.
People with diabetes or kidney problems often have high serum creatinine levels. Other conditions can cause a higher creatinine level. These include infections, dehydration, and other health issues.
Creatinine is a waste product created by muscle metabolism. When it gets to the kidneys, it is filtered and excreted. A healthcare provider may perform a creatinine blood test or a 24-hour urine collection to determine your creatinine level.